Keywords : Research & Development - Integration - Coding & Automation - Training & Skill Development - Custom Development
The world is rapidly changing towards the digital age. At Flame Tech & Services (FTAS), we are armed to the teeth with knowledge, to help small or large businesses, individuals and even students, to turn the spark of your ideas into a reality.
For instance, the conventional method for an aquacultural farm activities to aquire periodic water quality measurement like oxygen and pH, operation of water pumps and such are all done manually using human labour. Here at FTAS, we will help create the full automation of the same process making it just a few clicks away, accessible through laptops and even smart phones. Work force which used to be culpable of heavy work load and complex assignment can now divert their attention towards other task, increasing productivity.
In Manufactoring sector which have enormous warehouse and plethora of inventories require a lot of people to be working in the dealings of picking up items from one shelf to another.Typically, these items will be packed and sealed before it was sent to the reciever. These process are done repeatedly and it would take an abundance of time in the event of high order request.Here at FTAS, we solve this dilemma using Autonomous Mobile Robot supported with inventory system. Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) is capable of maneuvering through the warehouse 24 hours on its own because it is managed and organised by a 'fleet management' specifically designed according to warehouse and factory needs.
We are also able to integrate between any older systems to smarter systems. For example, previously you could only monitor home security systems offline. Now we can make it smarter and versatile. We are able to interact with existing systems and interface with old systems, directly online. Now you can monitor your home security systems even if you are thousands of miles away from your home.
But what if you want something that doesn’t even exist yet? Or it does exist, but the price are way too high? Fret not, we at FTAS SURELY can help you. All we need is your imagination, and we'll take care of the rest!
Flame Tech & Services
The Missing Tech Puzzle
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Projects & Gallery
Lead R&D for AVC
Developing special algorithm to determine vehicle class
Developing Tol RFID
Developing and design RFID Tol system for Philipine and Myanmar
Development of Embedded System based on Linux & Microcontroller
Involved in various type of Research and Development inlcuding software (VB,C,C#,Python,JS,node etc), electronics circuit including drone, military projects and mentoring university students for ther projects.
Full time involvement in IOT sectors
"Internet of things". Thats is the term that most of the people heard nowadays. But we had develop it since 2001. The things that we develop including electrical usage monitoring (kWH), factory, special development and many more.
Becoming "THE" "Solution Provider" for IOT
We gracefull make a bold stance to move forward to make sure there are no business that were left behind especially in the "Industrial 4.0" wave. We provide affordable business model for product development coupled together with old and new system integration. Align with the slogan "The Missing Tech Puzzle", we provide competetive development design and product ranges that will open more collaboration with another company. This is "Flame Tech & Services" and we are here to STAY!
Research & Development

Hook - Web protocol duplication
- Electronic signal tapping
- Reverse Engineering

Full Systems - Web App
- External System with Backend
- Mesh Sensors System

Circuitry - Custom PCB
- Duplication Obsellete PCB
- Existing PCB enhancement

End To End - Combination From Sensors to Web
- Embedded Systems
- Cloud Computing Solutions
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- Web protocol duplication
- Electronic signal tapping
- Reverse Engineering

- Web App
- External System with Backend
- Mesh Sensors System

- Custom PCB
- Duplication Obsellete PCB
- Existing PCB enhancement

- Combination From Sensors to Web
- Embedded Systems
- Cloud Computing Solutions
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Coding & Automation

Embed System - Linux SBC coding
- Microcontroller Coding
- Any sensors/arduino/arm/PIC coding and configurations

Web Tech - Web programming
- Web app development
- Backend Management

Automation - Web scrapper
- Sensors Input Automation
- Conditional Task Automation

Drivers - Generic custom driver programming
- Micro services programming
- Firmware Programming
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- Linux SBC coding
- Microcontroller Coding
- Any sensors/arduino/arm/PIC coding and configurations

- Web programming
- Web app development
- Backend Management

- Web scrapper
- Sensors Input Automation
- Conditional Task Automation

- Generic custom driver programming
- Micro services programming
- Firmware Programming
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System Integration

Complete Integration - System to System
- System to Sensors
- Sensors to Sensors

API - New System API
- Existing API integrations
- Translational API (machine to machine)

Custom Integration - Pitch Us the Idea, and we will comeout with the proposal in 3 working days

Data - Consolidate data from multiple sensors nodes.
- Preprocess the data (edge computing)
- Machine learning
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- System to System
- System to Sensors
- Sensors to Sensors

- New System API
- Existing API integrations
- Translational API (machine to machine)

- Pitch Us the Idea, and we will comeout with the proposal in 3 working days

- Consolidate data from multiple sensors nodes.
- Preprocess the data (edge computing)
- Machine learning
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Training & Skill Development

Mobile - Mobile App Development
- Mobile Automation
- Mobile Computing Simplification

Code Management - GIT, SVN
- Local/Cloud Backup

Student - Train student with according to the industry demand
- Coding & Prototyping

Machine Learning - Neural Network Training
- Genetic Algorithm
- Using : Python, OpenCV and many more
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- Mobile App Development
- Mobile Automation
- Mobile Computing Simplification

- Local/Cloud Backup

- Train student with according to the industry demand
- Coding & Prototyping

- Neural Network Training
- Genetic Algorithm
- Using : Python, OpenCV and many more
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Custom Development

Unique - Got interesting idea? Pitch to us.
- We will give brief proposal in 3 working days
- PLUS: 1 hour FREE discussion fee for new customer

Generic - Solution exist in the market and you want to copy it?
- We will give brief proposal in 3 working days
- PLUS: 1 hour FREE discussion fee for new customer
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- Got interesting idea? Pitch to us.
- We will give brief proposal in 3 working days
- PLUS: 1 hour FREE discussion fee for new customer

- Solution exist in the market and you want to copy it?
- We will give brief proposal in 3 working days
- PLUS: 1 hour FREE discussion fee for new customer
Tap For List!
We are moving to the new office.
Will update later
Will update later